Thursday 9 September 2010

Again the poorest will be worse off

There is something sadly endemic in British society. The poor are always more reliant on public services, and when cuts come the poor are always left even worse off. As such, the figures released today about which areas will be hardest hit by cuts in public services make for worrying reading. Many of the areas higlighted in the report as being the most vunerable are those which which are in some ways the worse off anyway. Areas in the North, in areas of seasonal or declined industry and urban areas are all highlighted as being more vunerable to public cuts.

It should be of great concern, that with growing cuts to public services will the poorest be able to fully engaged in the planned Big Society which is such a key plank of the Coalition. I fear that many people, who are of benefits or use public services, such as council services, will become further disillusioned by the fact they do not have as much support. Whilst i support the community becoming involved in aspects of the Big Society, i feel that excessive cuts will damage the ability of the public to become engaged in politics as a whole

Monday 19 July 2010

Boris's blue tarmac roads

Right, just seen an item on the news about London's new cycling super highway which has opened from Merton to the City and then on to East London.

They are supposed to make cycling safer which is obviously good and are wider and brighter (which is perhaps key) than the regular cycle lanes in London. Now I don't mind cyclists but I can see there being big problems with these super highways. Motor traffic will be forced in to smaller ammounts of the road, cyclists themselves will still be at risk because traffic will still pull out of side roads and of course buses will need to pull into the lanes (which are on the pavement side of the road much of the time)to use bus stops to allow passengers on.

Saturday 8 May 2010

First blog type post thing

This is really just a test to see how this loks and stuff, hopefully the next few posts will give a few insights I have got from the events that are going on and the things I am thinking about.


Frosty Yeti